Monday, April 19, 2010

Chapter 11-12, Question 3

What is educational technology literacy? Why is it important for educators?

Educational technology literacy is deals directly with the instructor's ability to apply technology to a classroom environment as seamlessly as possibly and with the most benefit for the students and their education. Not only must this skill be acquired in our technologically advanced society, but with the ever-changing nature of the technological world, this skill must be constantly updated and restructured to facilitate the use of new technology. Being able to accomplish the integration of technology into a classroom setting for the benefit of students is of utmost importance due to our civilisation's heavy reliance on technology. Not only does new technology make it easier to dispense knowledge to students, but it also helps to promote the understanding of technology by the students.


  1. Great job answering the question. I understand the chapters better now.

  2. Good explanation on what educational technology literacy is.
