Friday, April 30, 2010
Course Reflection
During this course I gained at least a nominal familiarity with a variety of different technologies that could potentially be present in a classroom setting. While some of the technologies discussed over the course of the semester seem like they would be relegated to fringe or peripheral uses, many would likely have a lasting and positive effect on content instruction. With the latter forms of technology in mind our coursework explored the myriad advantages and disadvantages associated with each one and how to incorporate them into a classroom setting in order to enhance the learning experiences for the students and the instructional experience for ourselves.
Technology has been growing and developing at a staggering rate in recent years, and its importance in a classroom environment has been likewise progressing. While the fundamentals of learning are and always will be the same, there are definitely benefits to be reaped by supplementing these fundamentals with new technology. The most important thing to remember when deciding whether to use technology, is that one should not try to implement its use where it doesn't belong. Implementing the use of technology where it isn't needed, simply for the thrill of doing something new, or using it just because it is available is a terrible sin to commit against students.
One of the foremost responsibilities a teacher of any sort has is that of proper management of their students' time. One is only allowed a certain amount of time with students in a class session. Every moment of class time should be spent positively and productively. If an teacher is using an inefficient method of instruction then that teacher is wasting valuable time that could be better spent. The wonders of technology can easily lead an instructor down the path of improper and inefficient class time management through its glamour and charm.
That being said, there are many great things that technology brings to the table for a learning environment. The internet, for one, is such a powerful tool for the dispensation of knowledge. Simply based on the sheer amount of information which can be accessed through the internet, its usage in a classroom environment is nearly limitless. There are other technologies which have decent potential, as well. Many of these tools are tied into the internet in some ways, and many more are becoming integrated into the internet as well. Once these technologies have been further explored with a classroom setting in mind, they will become ever more useful to tech-savvy instructors.
Tool Discussions
Honestly, I had never bothered to create a flyer for any purpose. However, now that I have spent the time to do it, I understand the worth. I'm not sure I would consider using a Word program to create one in the future, as there are apparently more efficient programs available on the internet for free. That being said, I now have the knowledge to create flyers, which is important.
Excel Progress Chart
The progress chart made with excel was interesting. Excel is capable of much, especially in the hands of someone skilled in using it. I am not skilled in its use. Ultimately, the uses I would find for it would be extremely small in scope; therefore, I would likely get more benefit from just using one of the programs available online for tracking grades and students' progress.
PowerPoint Quiz
The PowerPoint quiz is an interesting idea. It is something that I wouldn't likely have considered using on my own. I like the idea of an interactive quiz. I do not care for the PowerPoint program. If there was maybe another way to effect an interactive quiz without the use of PowerPoint, I would definitely consider it for use in a classroom. Of course, that's assuming that computers are adequately available for student use.
Online Rubric Creator
The online rubric creator seemed particularly handy. It is something that I would definitely consider using in the future, mainly because of the ease of its usage. Rubrics are particularly helpful in English classes for the grading of essays and writing in general. For a presentation I would likely not use a rubric, instead opting for a simpler checklist that can be marked as the student speaks. This is what I have seen instructors use in the past for oral presentations, and it seems the most efficient for grading such things.
Online Puzzle Creator
The puzzle creator is a neat concept. It is not something I would have considered before completing the activity. However, I can see a number of uses for such a thing, as turning the acquisition of knowledge into something of a game can potentially aid in reducing boredom among students. Nothing to be used for major grades, obviously, but something fun to throw into class every now and again.
Online Test Maker
The online test maker wasn't too bad. Easy to use and set up. All options were self-explanatory and didn't require an elaborate understanding of the program. I will likely be using it, or another similar program, in the future to create tests for my classes.
Classroom Website Assignment
The website assignment was very interesting. I like the idea of maintaining a website for students to access. This method of dispensing information is invaluable in its efficiency. It is unreasonable to assume that students won't lose syllabi or forget what their homework assignments are. Also, it is nice for students to be able to access their grades at any given time. Overall I would say that the website assignment has been one of my favourites thus far.
Movie Assignment
The movie assignment's most notable benefit was that it made me learn how to operate Windows Movie Maker. This is a program that I have long neglected, mostly because I have never had much need to utilise it. I can see some uses for it in a classroom environment, including the way we used it in the assignment (i.e. something nice to show parents about their children's learning activities). However, I cannot see its use being anything more than a peripheral tool for an English classroom, as it could never replace lecture, reading, and discussion for learning how to read, analyze, and think about literary texts. Likewise, it is unsuitable for truly teaching an understanding of the construction of a literary essay.
Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
My personal strengths and weaknesses insofar as technology is concerned stem from my current level of knowledge concerning computers and my apathetic approach to learning new technologies. I have a fairly decent understanding of computer technology and the internet. I can do many things and accomplish many tasks with this understanding; however, I am generally somewhat slow to familiarize myself with new technology unless there is a pressing need to learn it.
Personal Future Learning Goals
My future learning goals consist mainly of learning to manage a classroom and properly manage the instruction time that I have with my students. An instructor should never waste his own time nor the time of his students. I feel that learning to efficiently manage classroom time will push my students to become as strong as possible in my area of content and also it will help me become a better instructor for future classes.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Chapter 11-12, Question 3
Educational technology literacy is deals directly with the instructor's ability to apply technology to a classroom environment as seamlessly as possibly and with the most benefit for the students and their education. Not only must this skill be acquired in our technologically advanced society, but with the ever-changing nature of the technological world, this skill must be constantly updated and restructured to facilitate the use of new technology. Being able to accomplish the integration of technology into a classroom setting for the benefit of students is of utmost importance due to our civilisation's heavy reliance on technology. Not only does new technology make it easier to dispense knowledge to students, but it also helps to promote the understanding of technology by the students.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Movie Assignment
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Chapter 9-10, Question 2
It is important for educators to preview and evaluate videos for several reasons. The video should be deemed a significant enhancement to the lesson during which it will be shown. If it has nothing to do with the lesson in question, then perhaps another video choice should be made. The educator should also be screening the video for inappropriate material. Pornographic footage, excessive vulgarity, and the like should all be considered inappropriate for a classroom environment. The video should also be screened for other, more minor things that could be inappropriate for the classroom.
To ensure the video in question is conveying the intended message to one's students, an educator should watch the video, keeping the lesson in mind, and use his or her common sense to decide whether of not to show a video to the class. Of course, this will require the educator to understand both the intended message and what the video actually communicates.
From what I can gather, alternative learning systems are those systems which do not include traditional methods of learning (i.e. a traditional classroom setting, with an instructor lecturing). That being said, potentially anything else would fall under distance or alternative learning systems. Specifically, methods such as internet chatrooms, message boards, forums, etc. would be alternative to a traditional system of learning.
In light of the Information Age, the current potential of alternative learning methods should be considered nearly limitless. The ease with which information is dispensed through the medium of the internet and other technology-based methods methods of learning, creates an environment wherein ingenuity and intuition can produce almost anything. With such a powerful tool at a creative educator's disposal, nearly anything is possible.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Website Assignment
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Rubric, Puzzle, Test-Maker
The puzzle creator is a neat concept. It is not something I would have considered before completing the activity. However, I can see a number of uses for such a thing, as turning the acquisition of knowledge into something of a game can potentially aid in reducing boredom among students. Nothing to be used for major grades, obviously, but something fun to throw into class every now and again.
The online test maker wasn't too bad. Easy to use and set up. All options were self-explanatory and didn't require an elaborate understanding of the program. I will likely be using it, or another similar program, in the future to create tests for my classes.
Unable to link because the website didn't save my rubric. It wil be sent again through email.
Flyer, Progress Chart, Powerpoint Quiz
The progress chart made with excel was interesting. Excel is capable of much, especially in the hands of someone skilled in using it. I am not skilled in its use. Ultimately, the uses I would find for it would be extremely small in scope; therefore, I would likely get more benefit from just using one of the programs available online for tracking grades and students' progress.
The Powerpoint quiz is an interesting idea. It is something that I wouldn't likely have considered using on my own. I like the idea of an interactive quiz. I do not care for the Powerpoint program. If there was maybe another way to effect an interactive quiz without the use of Powerpoint, I would definitely consider it for use in a classroom. Of course, that's assuming that computers are adequately available for student use.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Chapter 7-8, Question 1
The internet is comprised of a network of individual machines, networks and servers that have agreed to connect, provide resources to one another and share data. The internet began as a network used primarily by military personnel and select universities. It was used much in the same manner as radio frequencies are used by two-way radios, only more advanced. Since its early beginnings of just a handful of sites, the internet has grown into a vast repository of information and services. Individual users have the ability to connect and access any and all of the information stored on the internet simply through the use of computers, which are in turn connected to the internet through modems. Through the internet, a nearly limitless cache of knowledge is literally at the tips of our fingers.
The primary advantage the internet holds for an educator is the efficiency with which said educator is able to access information. Knowledge is power, and the internet gives us the key to unlocking immense potential.
The standards of educational goals within a given state, district or school can be accessed via the internet. Dispensing information in this manner makes the logistical task of keeping educators on the same page infinitely easier than trying to dispense books, pamphlets or flyers, to everyone, or trying to hold conferences anytime a bit of data changes. Through the internet, all of the relevant information can be updated as necessary, with minimal trouble, and is instantly accessible by the people that need it.
The internet is also useful as a social/professional barometer with which to gauge one's own teaching. By using the internet, an educator can instantly access thousands of lesson plan formats and configurations. By analyzing the work of others, we are therefore better equipped to accurately analyze our own work, and make appropriate changes as needed.
And lastly, the information one can access via the internet is wonderful in its own right. Perhaps an educator is scheduled to teach Romeo and Juliet to a class and wants to know more about the subject. All he has to do is look to the internet and is instantly privy to a wealth of information on the subject. Not only is the instructor now better qualified to speak intelligently regarding the lesson, but the students benefit by receiving a better instructional session.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Chapter 5-6, Question 3
Authoring Systems include programs that create computer-based customized multimedia lessons and those that create lessons for presentation online.
The difference between drill-and-practice software and tutorial software is that tutorial software is used primarily to present new material, whereas drill-and-practice software is designed to reinforce previously presented content.
For the purposes of teaching, drill-and-practice software should be used to reinforce a student's understanding of a particular concept or body of knowledge. For instance, if one were teaching the capitals and states in a history class, one might use appropriate interactive software to give the students practice and familiarity with that particular set of knowledge. For learning, one could perhaps use drill-and-practice software to ensure competence and accurate knowledge with a particular content before introducing it to students as part of a lesson plan.
Tutorial software should be utilised when the students have no familiarity with a concept or set of knowledge. For instance, if one were teaching an auto-mechanics class one might have the students complete a tutorial program on the disassembling of a car engine before they actually started taking one apart. As learning is concerned, tutorial software is invaluable when teaching oneself content before presenting it to students.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Chapter 1, Question 3
The concepts surrounding teaching and learning are naturally and inherently conjoined. Without one the other could not exist. In order to teach, one must have a student in some form or another; likewise, in order to learn as a student, one must have a teacher. It seems like a simple concept, but the symbiotic nature of the student/teacher relationship is often quite complex, and not always entirely apprehensible. Quite often the roles can become reversed, and it is the teacher who learns more than the student.
Technology fits into the student/teacher equation as seamlessly as any environmental factor or teaching tool, and as such, it can be in a positive or negative way. I believe the main difference between a positive and negative influence from technology is concerned with propriety. How appropriate is a given technology to the instruction that I am trying to produce? How is it going to affect the learning process in regards to the particular students that I am teaching? How well do I understand the technology in question? All of these questions and more should be asked before one implements the use of a particular technology into their instruction.
Technology can be used to great effect within the context of education. If it is appropriate to the lesson and the message intended by the instructor. If it is inappropriate then it becomes, at best, a waste of time, and since time is a key component of the educational process, it is imperative that we not throw any away needlessly. For instance, showing students an accurately performed video of the play, Hamlet, could enhance the students' understanding of the play as they read it, since they will now have a more precise vision of the story's action. Whereas an audio version or a poorly interpreted version on video could perhaps fall flat and simply not accomplish the goal of enhancing the students' understanding of the story.
Since we have established that instructional time with students is important and that it should be valued as such, it is therefore crucial that an educator understand a given technology and its usefulness within the classroom before bringing that technology into the classroom. One must sacrifice one's own time outside of class to learn to use the technology so that class time is not wasted in doing so. Fumbling around with a laptop to get a Powerpoint presentation working or being unable to properly operate a DVD player during class time is inexcusable. If an educator spends 10 minutes from a 50 minute class trying to work a machine, 20% of the class has been wasted. This sorta of behaviour is inappropriate and inefficient and should be responsibly curtailed when one is charged with something as valuable as the education of others.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Chapter 3-4, Question 2
It is advantageous for educators to share software and other digital resources on a network. It is time and labour efficient and circumvents the problem of having to install software at every workstation individually. This is accomplished by simply installing the programs on the server's hard drive, which leaves the workstation computer's hard drive open for storage of other files unique to that workstation's applications. The workstation operators are free to copy the software to the individual machines if they so choose, or they can simply run the program from the server.
Another benefit to sharing software is cost efficiency. Software is often very expensive. Usually, companies offer institutions the opportunity to purchase software at a discounted price for exclusive network usage. The discount is often quite substantial and is usually more efficient than even buying the program at a bulk discount for each machine.
There are a few concerns regarding the sharing of software via a network. Foremost is the fact that all of the workstations rely on a single copy of the program. If problems occur with the network's copy of the program, all workstations could potentially be unable to access the networked resources. Many networks keep redundant resources in the form of backup servers, to prevent any interruption of services.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
My name is Pyran Taylor. This blog is for a class project; otherwise, I have never written a blog before. I am a graduate student at the University of Southern Mississippi, where I also received my Bachelor's Degree in English, with a minor in Classics (more specifically Latin). I plan to teach high school until I get tired of it, and then move on to something else.
I am a writer, with a couple of minor publications under my belt. Naturally, I also like to read. I enjoy physical activities, working out, martial arts, boxing, etc. I don't watch much TV. I own a dog named Rook. Nothing much else to see here.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Chapter 2, Question 1
The Dynamic Instructional Design Model can be an important aspect of developing strategic educational planning. The intent of its development and utilization is to provide the educator with a critical tool, by which he may ultimately further enhance the students' learning experience. The DID explores many of the various aspects of the educational process and allows the educator to observe them and make planning decisions based on the information provided. The DID model's performance in this task is useful, as it enhances an educator's knowledge and consideration of his students, thereby allowing him to make better decisions involving the planning strategies, by which he intends to instruct his students.
Step 1: Know the Learners. The step of the DID model instructs the educator to know the people that he intends to instruct. In order to provide effective instruction to his students, the educator must have certain information regarding his students. He must insure that he is meeting the needs of the students in several different ways. Students vary in countless ways, including learning styles, developmental stages, and skill levels. All of these factors and more must be considered and accurately judged if the educator is to successfully maximize the potential of both the instruction and the learners.
Step 2: State Your Objectives. Objectives are the goal and the intention of the educational process. For instance, the objective of a literature lesson could be that the student is able to consistently recognize the use of metaphors in a given text. This is measured at the end of the lesson. It is important to note, that the performance of the student is the measured variable here, and not the performance of the instructor. The instructor must also insure that his objectives meet certain criteria. The objectives must be stated in a format that makes it possible to accurately measure the students performance. Without accurate measurements of objectives the data learned is invalid. The objectives must also target different levels of critical thinking. It is important to consider Bloom's Taxonomy regarding the objectives of one's instruction.
Step 3: Establish the Learning Environment. The learning environment consists of all the factors involved with the instruction of a given student. Naturally this includes the space in which the student is instructed, the materials used in the instruction, even the minor things such as lighting, and temperature. It is the instructor's duty to provide the best possible learning environment for his students. He must ensure that the space meets the needs of the diverse students that are likely to be using the classroom. The classroom must be nurturing and secure for all of the students, as well. If students do not feel safe, they will not be in a proper mindset to learn. The classroom management system within the classroom is integral to this. If proper order is not established within the classroom, the atmosphere can quickly degenerate into chaos, which is naturally not a favourable learning environment.
Step 4: Identify Teaching and Learning Strategies. Teaching strategies are the methods by which the teacher will assist the students in achieving the desired objectives. Learning strategies are the lessons and activities required for the students to master any given content. This step in the process seems to revolve primarily around the pedagogical cycle, which is in turn comprised of a several steps: provide a pre-organiser, use motivators, build bridges to prior knowledge, share objectives, introduce new knowledge, reinforce knowledge, provide practice experiences, and culminating review. These are all fairly self-explanatory; however, each step must be considered in the instructional process. In addition, the diversity of students in the classroom must again be taken into account as they are concerned with the steps of the pedagogical cycle.
Step 5: Identify and Select Technologies. At this stage in the process, the educator must decide which technologies are most appropriate for the intended instruction. Each technology has advantages and disadvantages, and each must be considered carefully before the educator makes his decision. All of the aforementioned things must be taken into account such as diversity, learning styles, and environment.
Step 6: Perform a Summative Evaluation. At this point, one must reflect on the appropriateness of each step and each decision that has been made thus far. Essentially all the parts are checked again to make sure the whole machine is in working order. It is important to ensure that the data to be gained from the instruction is appropriate for the current lesson's teaching strategy and also for the overall instruction provided by the course.